WRMD 3.0 Upgrade Schedule

Dear Wildlife Rehabilitation MD User,

On December 31st at 10:00pm Pacific Standard Time (6:00am UTC) we will begin upgrading WRMD to version 3.0. At that time WRMD will not be available until we are done with the upgrade. For the past month we've been rehearsing the upgrade process so we expect it to go smoothly and if all goes well, it should take less than two hours to complete.

This upgrade process requires that we transfer all of your data into the updated database. This includes all your settings as well. We've done our best to make sure that all your settings work in WRMD 3.0 but if you think something isn't behaving the way you think it should, please let us know. Our top priority during this upgrade is to make sure that the transition is smooth and that you can still use the database the way you always have. If you encounter any errors or issues please let us know as soon as possible! You can still message us from within WRMD by clicking Ask for Help or email us at support@wildneighborsdp.org. We will be available to fix issues that arise at a moments notice during the first week of the new year. We do not expect any issues, but we are prepared to handle them if they come up.

As a Reminder,Here is a List of All the Important Changes You Will See In WRMD 3.0

  1. Dashboard Upgrade:

    • We have updated the first page you see after you sign-in. It was designed to help navigate the database more efficiently.

  2. Add New Record:

    • One this page we have updated the species database behind the scenes and it is much smarter and faster. We also naow have the ability to have multiple common names for a species. An example would be "mule deer" and "black-tailed deer" can both be used even though they are the same species. There will also be the additions of a few unknown species such as "myotis, sp" or "warbler, sp" for those  critters that are difficult to identify.

    • We also have a new panel for donations, if you had a custom field for donations that data will be moved to the new fields.

  3. Navigating the Screens:

    • When you first go to a record you will notice that the screen looks different.

      • The tabs (Rescuer, Initial Care, Continued Care and the Extensions) are now under the new "Cage Card" and "Location" panels.

      • The "Cage Card" panel now has all the identity information about that patient such as case #, species, band, name, reference number and date admitted.

      • The "Location" panel has the information about where that animal is. For more information on the new locations feature see our Locations Blog post.

  4. Initial Care:

    • You will notice that the initial exam area has been changed to be more informative.

    • Ages have changed as well and are categorized by bird, mammal, reptile/amphibian. We have spent years coming up with the new ages, for more information on ages see our Ages Blog post.

  5. Rechecks:

    • We have put a lot of time and thought into the new recheck system. It is much more user friendly and useful. For more information on rechecks see our Rechecks Blog post.

  6. Share:

    • One of the new permanent tabs in the records is a "Share" tab. This tab is used anytime you want to "share" a record.

    • Within the share tab there is the ability to "Transfer Records" to any other WRMD account. For more information on transferring records see our Transferring Records Blog post.

    • The paper forms are now found in the share tab as well.

There are many other little additions here and there which you will probably find at one time or another. All of these new features where created from the ideas of our users, so thank you for all your help in helping create WRMD 3.0. We are quite pleased with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy it.

Not Yet Working

Because of the nature of what we are doing, we are not quite finished with a few of the features. Our plan is to have everything up and running as soon as possible, but we want to make sure everything has transitioned smoothly before we finish the last little bit. So, below are the features that are not quite available yet. Remember, just because they are not available does not mean that your data has vanished, it is just in long term parking for the moment.

  1. Necropsy extension

  2. Husbandry extension

  3. WRMD import

  4. Case summary extension

  5. Batch update

  6. Analytics

Happy New Year!!!


WRMD 3.0: Update


WRMD 3.0: Presentation at CCWR Symposium