Bringing in the New Year Together

Happy New Year! Thanks to everybody for being patient with us while we bring in the new year with a faster, smarter and completely redesigned database. I want to thank everybody that has contributed to finding the bugs and issues that we could not find during our tests.
It was so wonderful seeing all the communication amongst the community. As you can see we do have a more open forum type space where users can talk to one another. We consider WRMD a community project we just manage it.
Last night, Jan 1st we fixed most of the issues identified that day. Tonight, Jan 2nd we will fix most of the issues found today so that we do not disturb everybody's work.  There are a few issues that have come up that are taking a little more time to fix, but hopefully we will have everything back on track in the next few days.
Thank you all for your help and patience! We are extremely appreciative!

WRMD 3.0, Over the Launch Hump...


WRMD 3.0: Update