Extension of the Month: Paper Forms

This months extension of the month were going to talk about Paper Forms. Paper forms are a great way to use both WRMD as well as paper records to help you transition from a more familiar way of keep records into a more advanced way. Ideally you would record as much as possible in WRMD but we understand that the transition for your organization can be overwhelming, so we've created Paper Forms to help.

About the Paper Forms Extension

These paper forms are a helpful way to transition from a paper record keeping system into Wildlife Rehabilitation MD. There is a form for the Initial Care screen (Intake form) and Continued Care screen (Treatment log) that are the same format as the database. There is also a Admit form for your rescuers to fill out when admitting a new patient as well as a Cage Card for your patients enclosures.

How to use the Paper Forms Extension

Paper Forms on the Reports page

Paper Forms for each patient

When the Paper Forms extension is activated you will have two printing options for each form. The first option is to go to the Reports link on the left sidebar. Under the Forms field there is an option for Intake form and Treatment log. Both of these forms have no additional information on them and can be used for any animal.The second option is to print these after information about a patient has already been entered into Wildlife Rehabilitation MD. To do this, on the top left of the Initial Care screen and Continued Care screen there is an option to select Intake form or Treatment log. If one of these is selected the information already in the database for that patient will print out on the form.

Save the trees!

Don't forget, one of our goals as environmentalist should be to minimize paper use. Ideally you can switch from recording your data on paper to digital as possible.


WRMD on the Road


2015 NWRA Symposium