February WRMD Update

We have made it through the first month of the WRMD 3.0 update! What a month it was. Thank you everybody for your patience and we are sorry for any and all inconvenience the transition has caused. I know that reporting time is neigh upon us and we are the cause of some lateness due to trying to make sure everything matches up correctly.

Unidentified Species and Reporting

A few things to keep in mind while reporting is that in several cases the species are unidentified. It is critical that you choose from the drop down list provided. If you can not find the species you are looking for contact us, chances are it has an alternative name which can be found in wikipedia pretty easily. For example some was looking for Groundhog which was not in the database, being Groundhog's day... I looked it up in wikipedia and saw that they are also known as a Woodchuck which was in the database. So, woodchuck could have been used instead. However, we are able to add the common name Groundhog to the species, so now you can use Woodchuck or Groundhog and both are the same. We will create a way in settings to look up your unidentified species, but as for now you can see that a species is unidentified by exporting everything from a list into excel. If you see a species_id number as 999999 it is an unidentified animal.

Customization and Reporting

Every state has their own requirement and we work hard to make sure that at the least you are able to record the necessary information required for your reports. Some states like New York have many custom settings to record information that is required by the state. So, sometimes we have to work out some of the bugs that come along with customization before everything works smoothly.

Custom Fields

The same thing goes for Custom Fields. As many have now noticed you can only have 10 custom fields, anything beyond that will not allow for data to be recorded. We have worked with a few organizations to try and dwindle down their custom fields to a manageable level. Still, custom fields are a little more finicky because they have to format themselves in to everything else which is pre-formatted by WRMD and sometimes bugs occur. If you are in need of more custom fields, then please contact us so that we can help either dwindle down what you have or we will be able to do custom extensions for a charge. This will not launch until we are sure we have all the kinks worked out in WRMD 3.0. (Note: Custom fields in image are Sector and Aid Station)

WRMD Adding Back its Lost Features

It was really important to WRMD that we get the Heart of WRMD 3.0 working smoothly. In order to do this we did not move over all of the features that WRMD 2.0 had, such as WRMD Import and Necropsy among many other features. As, WRMD 3.0 is getting debugged and our customer service is slowing down, we can now focus on getting more of the WRMD 2.0 features into WRMD 3.0.


As of today the Necropsy extension will be available again. Thanks to some help from out users, it is beefed up substantially. Keep in mind this is designed for veterinarians, but can be used by any skilled Prosector.


This month we will work on getting Analytics back on board as well. So, if you have a analytic that you would like to see in the analytics section that would be useful to all wildlife rehabilitators let us know and we will consider adding it in. Email us at support@wildneighborsdp.org for suggestions.


Thanks to all that made donations in 2015!!!! If you have made donations in the year 2015 and need a donation receipt from us, please send me an email to the above email address with your name and address so I can send those out to you ASAP.


March Update: Analytics and NWRA


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