New Year Reminders

I have received a few questions about what happens to the records when a new year starts. So, I thought it a good idea to send out some information and reminders of what goes on behind the scenes and the best way to use WRMD the first month or so of the new year.Dec 31 2016 at around 10:00PM PST (I suggest not being on WRMD), we will start to prep the change over. What basically happens is that we start the counting over at 17-1. As you may have noticed WRMD defaults to the current year we are in when you first sign-in. There are a few inconveniences that we can not help when this happens, but we have suggestions on how to work with the system.If you want to view 2016 patients you have to be in the year 2016. There are 3 ways to do that. (Disclaimer: because it is not 2017 yet my examples are for 2016 and 2015, but the methods stay the same)

  1. You can just change the year entirely to view your 2016 patients. (2015 in my example)

2. You can search for the patient's case #, however you need to add the year in front of it. You will notice how there is a banner at the top of the screen that tells you that you are in a different year. (2015 in my example)

3. You can also use quick search to give you list of all pending patients and just work from that list, however if you change your search that list will go away. (Yes our dummy account has some very long term patients)

Adding New Patients

Something that seems to happen during the change over is: if you are in a previous year, looking at records and you go to Add New Patient, you may create a new patient in the previous year, which you probably do not want. If it is caught quickly it can be deleted by a Super Administrator of the account. However, if other records are created after it, you can no longer delete them, you will have to Void them.However, since many reports are not due until Jan 31, many people will continue to add the remainder of their 2016 records in. So again, just make sure which year you are in before you Add a New Patient.

Rechecks and Medications

If you use the recheck or medication features, and you have a pending 2016 patient, it will continue to show up on your daily reports without a problem, however I will caution again, once you are in a previous year if you go to Add a New Patient, it will be in the previous year.Hope this helps some and Happy Holidays!!!


The Miracle of OWRMD


WRMD∙Surveillance: Enhanced Wildlife Disease Surveillance Application