October 2015 FAQ's

Over the past few years we have found that users often ask many of the same questions. We thought we would share some of them with you, in case they come up for you too.

How can I delete a record?

There is no way to delete records, but you can write over them with information from another case or you can void the record which then excludes it from all searches and reports. You can also Void a record by choosing "Void" in disposition. By Voiding a record you remove it from all reports and analytics.

Can I create custom fields?

Yes you can.  Custom Fields is an extension in settings that can be activated. Once it is activated you can go in and create custom fields at the top or bottom of any of the boxes in WRMD. For more information please see the Extension of the Month entry for this on the WRMD blog: http://blog.wrmd.org/extension-month-custom-fields/

Can I backup my own data?

Yes you can. WRMD Backup is an extension in settings that can be activated. Once it is activated you have 2 options for a backup. You can backup the data as an excel spreadsheet, or you can save it as a SQL file. A SQL file can only be understood through a program that can translate it for you, such as a database program. For more information please visit the Extension of the Month entry for this on the WRMD blog: http://blog.wrmd.org/extension-month-wildlife-rehabilitation-md-backup/

Can I do an "or" search?For example, if I’m trying to search for titmouse or towhee?

Yes, you can do an "or" search but only through the Advanced Search feature. To get there click the Search link on the left then the Advanced Search button on the top of the page. On the Advanced Search screen select which field to search (in this case use “common name”) then select the operator (“contains”) and then the value you want to search for, such as titmouse. Click the Add New Row button and create a new search argument but this time the very first drop down list should changed to OR. You can add as many arguments as you need.

We keep getting kicked out of the WRMD system. It happens randomly.

What appears to be happening is that every so often the system is being used at a very high volume and at that peak point it becomes overwhelmed. This has happened a few times this summer. Along with many other changes to WRMD 3.0, there will be a completely different server organization which will allow for much more space and speed. Because of the current server configuration in WRMD 2.0 we can't change the configuration in this version. We are aware of the problem and it is one of the main reasons we are working really hard to make sure WRMD 3.0 will be ready to go by the new year. We, are really sorry for the inconvenience and hopefully by September 1 it will stop happening.


Time to Start Cleaning up your Records


WRMD 3.0: Transferring Records