Quick Update on Some Updates

Update Quick Search and Recent Patients

I know we've been a bit quite lately but that certainly does not mean that we haven't been doing anything. So just to keep you informed, here is a quick post about some resent updates.

1. Quick Search by Current Location

You can now do a quick search by the patients current location. You can search separately on the area/room or enclosure fields or combined as its displayed on the patients record.

2. Two Recent Patients Lists

The recent patients panel on the sidebar now has two tabs. One for recently updated patients and the other for recently admitted patients.

4. Updated the Total Dispositions by Species Report

The Total Dispositions by Species report has been updated to now include the Died +24hr, Died in 24hr, Euthanized +24hr and Euthanized in 24hr dispositions. Previously these dispositions were combined in to Died and Euthanized. Because this is not an official annual report we felt it was important to separate them out.

Updated List to include multiple lists

5. Added List Categories to the List Patients Page

On the List Patients page, that typically lists all the patients paginated in groups of 20, you can now click on the LIST ALL PATIENTS header to see a drop-down list of other lists that you can view. As of right now there are only two lists available (All Records Admitted Today and All Records Updated Today) but I'm sure in the future there will be other categories. These lists will show all the matched records on one screen so that you don't have to paginate through them.

Updated printing the rechek reports

6. Simplified Printing the Recheck Report

We are often asked to allow for printing of all sorts of combinations of the recheck lists and frankly it was getting out of hand. So instead we just simplified printing the recheck list into 2 options. The first is that you now just print the currently listed rechecks. For example; if you want tomorrows clinic rechecks grouped by your patients locations then change the settings to those criteria, the displayed rechecks will update and then you can click the Print the displayed rechecks link.

Updated printing the rechek reports

Second, we added the ability to print out each recheck group individually. For example you can now print only the Veterinarian rechecks if that's what you want. To do so, just click the PDF icon next to the recheck group name that you want to print.

7. Datetime Custom Field

We added a datetime custom field type. This may be less exciting but it was needed. This field is just like a date field but it adds two additional fields so that you can also record the time if that's important for you.

Things That we Are Currently Working On

There are a number of new things that were working on that were hoping to have done soon. Among them are Batch Updating, Importing and Multilingual features.


Enhanced Wildlife Disease Surveillance in California


Donor Report