Stories and Updates
Explore our posts for updates on our projects and team. We aim for this page to be a valuable source of information; providing you with in-depth tutorials and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our work; as well as a retrospective look at our journey thus far.

Ceto is live!
We are excited to share that our most recent project, Ceto, is now live! Currently, only organizations within the Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stranding Network are able to use Ceto. However, Ceto was built with the ability to expand and adapt to the needs of other Marine Mammal Stranding Networks across the United States. We hope to be able expand Ceto by summer of 2025. If you are interested in potentially using Ceto, please contact us.

Summer 2024 Updates
We have been hard at work developing the next version of WRMD, WRMD 4.0! When we launch in the fall, we will update you on new features and will provide an in depth library of WRMD 4.0 tutorials.