Wildlife Rehabilitation MD 2.0

Welcome to Wildlife Rehabilitation MD 2.0!

With the help of a successful Kickstarter campaign we were able to give WRMD a major overhaul as well as move it to a new server that is faster, more secure and much more reliable. This will benefit all users.Over the past few months we have issued a number of updates and bug fixes that together make WRMD far stronger than before. These updates and bug fixes were identified by our users and we have responded. Thank you for all your comments and ideas! This is a community database and can only improve with involvement from our community.

Some of the Core Updates Included

The single most important update is the speed improvement. Wildlife Rehabilitation MD 2.0 is 140% faster than before! This is partly because of the faster server but also because the underlining code has been rewritten and is tremendously more efficient.This update also introduces better locking of a case to be used by only one user at a time. Once you go to a case you become the “owner” of that case and it can only be viewed by other users, not edited. After 2 minutes of inactivity on your part, the case then becomes open for the next person to make edits and “own” it. (A video will be released shortly demonstrating this behavior).

Addendum September, 26

After some very helpful feedback from the users we are suspending a portion of the case lock feature. This suspension includes the "owner" of the case being locked out after 2 minutes of inactivity. However other users will still not be able to edit a record while it is "owned" by another user at the same time.This feature is a critical part of maintaining data integrity and so we will continue to investigate ways of preventing multiple users from editing a case at the same time. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

We also have developed a way for users to admit any species they want. You still admit your animals as before using the autocomplete drop-down list but now you may also write in a species name that WRMD is not familiar with. This is great for those times that you receive a random animal or you need to catch your records up in the database. This feature is not without its drawbacks. Cases with your own species names will have less accurate reporting, so be sure to use know species when ever possible.This update is also much more adaptive to international users. The list of available countries is currently short but can be expanded easily as needed.

New Extensions: Husbandry, Quick Admit and WRMD Backup

A Husbandry extension is being introduced for those that want to record the daily husbandry observations and diet for their patients.Quick Admit was actually released a few weeks ago but it’s still part of the new extension family. Quick Admit is perfect for those times that you just need to quickly create a new record and can’t be bothered with all the fields on the New Case screen. If you are behind on your records and want to catch up before the year is over you can use this extension to create your records. Then just fill in their disposition and at the very least you will be able to generate your year end reports.WRMD Backup introduces a feature that is, understandably, highly requested. It allows you to create a backup file of your entire database in just one click. As of this writing we consider WRMD Backup to be a stable BETA version. BETA only because it does not have all the feature that we want to add to it just yet. Those features will be added in due time.

Updated Existing Extensions

As with the core of WRMD, all the existing extensions have been rewritten and are much faster and more efficient. Nearly all of them received some new feature such as a conclusion section at the end of the necropsy report.At the time of this writing there are still a few extension updates coming down the pipes including adding in a simple volunteer database that can tie directly to the homecare extension making it so much easier to create consistent homecare records.

Huge Thank You

This database is only possible because of the support of the users, the Kickstarter campaign backers and everyone else that has offed a helping hand.We wish that we could hug all of you.Thank You!


Wildlife Rehabilitation MD 2.0 Tutorial


Maintenance Notice For September 21