2018 Recap and Plans for 2019

I'll admit it. We've been terrible at keeping you informed about how WRMD is doing and what updates we are making. Sorry!2018 was another busy year for us with lots of new wildlife rehabilitation organizations signing up, some major new features added. We also traveled to meet with our users as often as we could afford it.In 2018 WRMD admitted an incredible 231,903 patients! That is a major increase over past years. These patients were admitted in by over 500 accounts across 15 countries. Speaking of countries, we are proud to welcome organizations from South Korea, Ireland and Trinidad and Tobago!

We had some amazing milestones in 2018 that we are very proud of:

Wildlife Rehabilitation Medical Database was written into California legislation in Assembly Bill 1031. The Native California Wildlife Rehabilitation Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund allows California tax payers to make voluntary contributions into a competitive grant program whereby California wildlife rehabilitation organizations can apply for a grant, for the purposes of the recovery and rehabilitation of injured, sick, or orphaned wildlife, and conservation education. To be eligible to grant funding "The applicant shall maintain active participation in the Wildlife Rehabilitation Medical Database."On October 26 2018 the 1,000,000th patient was admitted into WRMD! A Great Horned Owl from Raymond California admitted to Fresno Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Services.We (The Wild Neighbors Database Project) have been accepted as an Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN) member organization. The OWCN is a statewide collective of trained wildlife care providers, regulatory agencies, academic institutions and wildlife organizations working to rescue and rehabilitate oiled wildlife in California. Over the past few years we have been developing a specialized version of WRMD to work specifically for oiled wildlife events. That project is nearing completion and we are now proud to be part of the OWCN response team if (hopefully never) an oil spill occurs in California.

Plans for 2019

In 2019 there will surely be many tweaks and updates but we do have 3 major changes to announce.

Entirely New Way to Generate Reports

Very very soon, WRMD, will have a new way to view and generate reports. In this new way, you will be able to favorite reports for quicker access and preview reports before printing, emailing or exporting them. Each reports will also have unique filters to allow you to modify them as needed. For example, in some reports you will be able to set the reporting dates or exclude certain species taxonomies. This new feature will be available in about 1 week. Expect a blog post detailing how this works.

Prescription Formulary

A commonly requested features is to allow users to maintain their own prescription formulary for common drug/medication prescriptions. This is number 2 on the to-do list. In the formulary you will be able to define a drug, dosage, concentration, route, frequency, duration and many other things. When your formulary is created, you can then choose a formula when writing a prescription to autopopulate the prescription fields. You will also be able to set the dose to be automatically calculated based on the patients last weight.

Species Notifications

Another common request is to have automatically triggered notifications if (for example) a certain species is admitted. We think this is a cool idea. These notifications could be sent by email and/or text message. We need to gather more information about how this might work and how you might use it so please tell us your thoughts.


Lastly but not least, we would like to thank everybody that has made donations to our 501(c)(3). Your generosity is what keeps WRMD going, creating new features and answering your questions. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


New Reporting System


Notes About Rescue and Freeze Patient