Notes About Rescue and Freeze Patient

Hello There, It's Been a While :)

We try not to make any changes during the summer because we know how busy you are but we had to make a few to resolve some issues.

Notes About Rescue

There is a new field called Notes About Rescue. You can use this field to document any supplementary information about the animals rescue such as 'had a sibling dead/escaped', 'location found is not suitable for release' or 'rescuer would like to be at the release'. Adding these notes will compliment the Reason for Admission, Care by Rescuer and Transported By fields for a complete picture of the animals life before arriving in your care.We have noticed that this type of information may be written into the Notes About Rescuer field which should be reserved for information specifically about the rescuer. Such as "Nice person, has offed to have animals released at their property" or "Can be disagreeable, only staff should communicate with him".

Freeze Patient

We have added the ability to freeze a patient so that it can no longer be updated. This could be very helpful for patients with pending lawsuits or if your governing agency requires no modifications be made after the patient is dispositioned. To freeze a patient go to its record and click More then Patient Settings (More was previously called Share). By default Patient Settings is only available to users with the role Super Admin or Admin.In Patient Settings, click the Freeze this Patient to Prevent Any Further Updates button. The patient will now be frozen and a "This patient has been frozen and can not be updated." message will be display above the patients record.

Teaser ;-)

Currently Freeze Patient is the only patient setting available, however we have some neat ideas for features to add this fall. Stay tuned! If you have ideas of patient related settings, share those with us. Maybe we can plan it out.


2018 Recap and Plans for 2019


New Extensions and Updates