A Nonprofit, a Logo and a Website

Over the past few months we have had some very exciting developments regarding the business-side of Wildlife Rehabilitation md. In late April we officially founded the organization that manages Wildlife Rehabilitation md as a nonprofit organization. Our nonprofit is called The Wild Neighbors Database Project. The Wild Neighbors Database Project previously existed as a sole proprietorship.Many wildlife rehabilitation organizations have made generous contributions to help our growth as well as admit thousands of records in a very short amount of time. In response to this, it has become very clear to us that we need to step up to the plate and put on our "professional hat." We are taking our responsibility as caretakers of their data very serious and to better protect their data and our reputation we new that we needed to become an official nonprofit organization.

Logo for The Wild Neighbors Database Project

A Logo and a Website

Along with the nonprofit status we have also given The Wild Neighbors Database Project an official logo and a brand new website. It's a simple site, meant to share our purpose and connection with the wildlife rehabilitation community across the globe. Our logo, designed by Jennifer Brazil Designs, symbolizes the philosophy of coming together to share experiences and knowledge to benefit the future.Visit http://wildneighborsdp.org to learn more about who we really are.

The Wild Neighbors Database Project Purpose

The Wild Neighbors Database Project exists with the goal of promoting wildlife rehabilitation, internationally, by developing online software that can be used to gather and exchange data. We are helping the wildlife rehabilitation community share their experiences and expertise, so that together we can learn from each other and continue to improve our best practices. Amongst the community there exist a wealth of knowledge that is at risk of being lost. Our purpose is to provide platforms that can be used to document, archive and share that knowledge.In short, we are empowering the community to use our collective experiences to save more lives. We think that our mission statement "Sharing Our Experiences to Save More Lives" sums it up pretty nicely.


First Fall Road Trip


Maintenance Notice For July 13