California's Region 3 Annual Meeting

We were invited to speak at California's Region 3 Annual Wildlife Rehabilitation meeting in the Bay Area. Wildlife Rehabilitation MD is a California bay area native, so we rely heavily on the users that attended this meeting for feedback. The awesome, Nicole Carrion (California State Fish and Wildlife Officer in charge of all the California wildlife rehabilitators), has been promoting WRMD throughout California at all 6 of the regional annual meetings. On November 14, 2014, this time we were able to promote ourselves.

WRMD is working very close with the state of California to try and create a better system for reporting. The more California centers that use WRMD, the more power wildlife rehabilitators will have. WRMD will be creating software that will allow for more real time data so that the state can act quickly on disease outbreaks or trends that are affecting wildlife. It is important to understand that this is bulk data and the state will not access individual records without contacting the organization first. Most importantly we want to make year end reporting less painful and more useful. Currently it is a tedious process for both rehabbers and the state. By using WRMD for year end reporting there is a lot less work for everybody involved with the benefit of more accurate and relevant data.

We would like to personally thank Nicole Carrion and California State Fish and Wildlife for their support.

It is our hope and dream that we develop more relationships with other state governments, like the one we have developed with California. If you are interested in us talking to your state representatives let us know and with your help we can keep this trend going.


Updated USFWS Annual Report


Notes from CCWR 2014