Updated USFWS Annual Report

!! Attention US Users of WRMD !!

We've just been made aware that US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) has updated their Wildlife Rehabilitation Annual Report with new sections and requirements. We are currently updating our version to comply with USFWS's changes. One new section (Section A) is Birds Held Over and asks for "each individual bird that was held over from any previous report year for continued care." Which is different from the previous form which asked for "birds held 180 days or longer as of 12/31 of the report." This means that if you do not have records in WRMD for 2013 then this section will be blank.

As soon as we have the report in WRMD updated we'll let you know!

For you reference here is a link to the new annual report, http://www.fws.gov/forms/3-202-4.pdf and a link to the older version, https://wrmd.org/pdf/annual-reports/USFWS-3-202-4-9-10.pdf.

Update - Dec 9, 2014

Just an FYI that we've updated the USFWS Rehabilitation Annual Report to comply with the new requirements.On that topic of the Annual Report, don't forget to fill in the Nature of Injury field on the Initial Care page as well as check the Criminal Activity check-box for those birds that had any reported injuries or mortalities. This includes anything shot, poisoned (confirmed), electro-cuted, trapped (e.g., foot-hold), or otherwise injured or killed as the result of a potentially criminal activity. By checking that check-box your Section C will be filled out.-Your Welcome!


IWRC 2014 Recap


California's Region 3 Annual Meeting