How can WRMD Benefit your Organization?

When your organization is considering using WRMD, it can be difficult to imagine all of the positive changes it could make.

One of the biggest benefits is typically seen with your year end reports. As you enter your data on a regular basis, you are already contributing to your reports. You will be able to pull your end of year reports in seconds at the push of a button. We are frequently told that this saves hours of time at the end of the year.

Organizations that have switched to WRMD often tell us that it makes their lives so much easier. A huge beneficial change is not having to read handwriting and no longer losing paper records.

You can also easily pull reports throughout the year using your own data. WRMD has reports that allow you to see what medications and procedures are working for your patients and what is not working. You can also pull reports to show donors where funds could be spent on procedures or equipment that are benefitting your patients.

WRMD also offers customer support within the program, just click on the yellow chat bubble and we will get back with you quickly.

We are often told that WRMD is so simple to use that new users do not need training. However, if you do have a team member that needs training, we offer an extensive knowledge library of articles and video tutorials that will walk you through all aspects of WRMD.

If you would like to check out WRMD before committing, we have a trial account that you can play with here. All data is fake and not all features are activated in the trial account. The credentials are U: P: Trial123

We are here for you and would be happy to answer any questions you have as you consider using WRMD. Our users regularly tell us that the benefits of using WRMD far outweigh the temporary difficulty of changing processes and using a new system.


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