New Extensions and Updates

During the NWRA 2018 Symposium, we are pleased to announce some fantastic new features. You may have already seen some of them but there are few that are just RIGHT NOW being released.

Three New Extensions

Daily Exams

With this extension you may now record as many "daily" exams as you want. The form is just like the Intake Exam form on Initial Care.


This amazing extension helps you record daily expenses for each of your patients and helps you calculate the Cost-of-Care. Each expense transaction can be categorized so you may report on (for example) how much was spent on prescriptions. You can also print out an Expense Statement for an individual patient as well as an Expense by Category report for all of your patients.


If you are a wildlife rehabilitator, you probably receive all sorts of calls from the public. We are very proud to announce our new Hotline extension. You can now log your communications with the public as well as track the progress of an incident's continued communications. Not only will be able to search the callers to see if they are repeat offenders but also be able to identify calls that may be about the same incident.

We want to thank Belize Bird Rescue for sponsoring the development of the Expenses and Hotline extensions. Because of their support we were able to develop these way ahead of schedule. If you ever want to visit Belize please check out the Rock Farm Guest House at Belize Bird Rescue for a fabulous Belizean experience.

Admitting a Patient Into Any Year

When admitting a new patient, you may now specify the year that patient should be added to. Of course if you change the year dropdown list the "Next Case Number" will change to reflect the year you selected.

More Recheck List Filters

On the recheck list you can now filter it to only view pending patients. Also, if you are using prescriptions extensions, prescriptions can be filtered into each patient and will only show up if the prescription is actually due on the day request.

Searching Lab Values

Previously searching lab values was difficult to do and returned inconsistent results. We've mad that process much more simple (and it works)!

Two New Lists On the List Patients Screen

On the List Patients screen you can click the List All Patients heading to select a different list to look at. We recently added Forgotten Patients and Patients Without a Location.

  • Forgotten Patients - shows all patients that have not been updated in the past 7 days or does not have a pending recheck.

  • Patients Without a Location - Hopefully self explanatory. Shows all patients that do not have a location on their record.

Lots of Smaller Updates and Bug Fixes

  1. Begun adding new analytics and ways of filtering the analytics.

  2. Added a taxonomy tree map in analytics.

  3. In the people section there is a tab for members.

Of course if you discover any bugs or have an idea that you think other WRMD users would benefit from then please reach out to us. We love to hear from you all and want to make WRMD as best as possible!


Notes About Rescue and Freeze Patient


Hope to See you at the NWRA Symposium!