Stories and Updates
Explore our posts for updates on our projects and team. We aim for this page to be a valuable source of information; providing you with in-depth tutorials and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our work; as well as a retrospective look at our journey thus far.

Winter is Coming...
Winter is indeed just around the corner. With winter comes the New Year and the bulk of the annual reports are due. It is very important that you start looking at your State and Federal reports right now to find inconsistencies.

Bugs, Fixes and Features
We wanted to give some insight into how we receive and act on the comments and suggestions you send to us. To get in touch with us, I know that many of our users use the In-WRMD messaging system and some prefer email.

Features and Upgrades Planned for WRMD
First off, we would like to thank all our users and their flexibility in adapting their organization to use Wildlife Rehabilitation MD. From our travels to other facilities we have seen many different ways to record and disseminate information.