Features and Upgrades Planned for WRMD

First off, we would like to thank all our users and their flexibility in adapting their organization to use Wildlife Rehabilitation MD. From our travels to other facilities we have seen many different ways to record and disseminate information. It is not easy to change procedures within any wildlife rehabilitation organization, yet our users have done it! Wildlife will benefit greatly, from your actions.One of our goals has been to incorporate the best ideas from what individuals and organizations have shared with us, and to add them into WRMD. We want to share with you what new features and upgrades are planned for WRMD. Below is our to do list for the next year. Our list is endless, but we are trying to keep to a development plan. Our hope  is to have accomplished many of the items before the end of 2014. Some features will be added very soon. Others will be added during the 2014-2015 change over.

Features and Upgrades to Come Sooner Than Later

  1. Add the ability to choose which fields you see in the “List Records” screen (done).
  2. Allow users to log into multiple accounts with the same credentials (done).
  3. Allow users to search for records across all years (done).
  4. Add Lab and Prescription rechecks which will show up in the recheck reports.
  5. Create a more useful husbandry extension.
  6. A complete redesign of the analytics section with more user control of what data is being reported.

Features and Upgrades That Will Occur at the End of the Year

  1. Add the ability to identify siblings and/or foster families.
  2. Add the ability to transfer records to another facility.
  3. Allow homecare users, sub-permitted and satellite rehabers to login and only see their records as well as allow other accounts to see and collaborate on their records.
  4. Update how enclosure’s are recorded to better track where an animal is and where it has been.
  5. Add the ability to identify feathers and anatomical locations of concern on body map images.
  6. Update the age terms to standardized terminology.
  7. Adoption of the Clinical Wildlife Health Initiative terminology.

Many of the above features will require user input before being adopted into WRMD. As we begin to work on a new feature we will be reaching out to our users for their input as well as presenting our ideas of how a new feature might work.We continue to appreciate feedback from our users. If you think you have an amazing idea that would benefit WRMD and our community please do not hesitate to let us know.


Maintenance Notice For May 10


Extension of the Month: Prescriptions