Stories and Updates
Explore our posts for updates on our projects and team. We aim for this page to be a valuable source of information; providing you with in-depth tutorials and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our work; as well as a retrospective look at our journey thus far.
Update: April 2016
It is the beginning of the “Season” here in the Northern hemisphere. Spring is definitely in the air and the birdies are well into breeding, at least here in California. March was a very very busy month for us. Not only did we attend NWRA in Oklahoma but we spent a week in Hawaii working directly with our users.
Banding & Morphometrics
We’ve just released a new extension for Banding & Morphometrics data to be recorded in WRMD. The data fields are compatible with the USGS North American Bird Banding Program – Bird Banding Laboratory and Bandit 4.0.
March Update: Analytics and NWRA
Thank you again for your patience. I know that there are some features that are being highly anticipated and we are doing everything we can to get them out.
February WRMD Update
We have made it through the first month of the WRMD 3.0 update! What a month it was. Thank you everybody for your patience and we are sorry for any and all inconvenience the transition has caused. I know that reporting time is neigh upon us and we are the cause of some lateness due to trying to make sure everything matches up correctly.