Stories and Updates
Explore our posts for updates on our projects and team. We aim for this page to be a valuable source of information; providing you with in-depth tutorials and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our work; as well as a retrospective look at our journey thus far.

WIldlife Rehabilitation Podcast - From Rescue to Release
Listen to Co-founder Rachel Avilla was interviewed on From Rescue To Release; A podcast dedicated to licensed wildlife rehabilitators and the veterinarians who support them.

How Wildlife Rescuers Can Protect Public Health - The Revelator
A new surveillance system tracks trends in wildlife illness and death and could help keep people healthy.

This AI Helps Detect Wildlife Health Issues in Real Time
Dombrowski and his wife, Rachel Avilla, are both wildlife rehabilitators who have been working to standardize record-keeping since 2010, when they founded the Wild Neighbors Database Project. They had become frustrated that staffers at rehab centers were using anything from paper records to isolated Excel spreadsheets to track medical records. “When it’s on paper, you’d have to go through boxes and boxes of paperwork to figure out what you gave that golden eagle 10 years ago,” Avilla says

Detecting Wildlife Illness and Death With New Early Alert System
We are incredibly excited to announce the publication of our first research paper. Over the past few years we have been working with Dr Terra Kelly and Dr Pranav Pandit from the UC Davis One Health Institute to develop The Wildlife Morbidity and Mortality Event Alert System (WMMEAS).