Stories and Updates
Explore our posts for updates on our projects and team. We aim for this page to be a valuable source of information; providing you with in-depth tutorials and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our work; as well as a retrospective look at our journey thus far.

Global Wildlife Data Sharing Workshop
The Wild Neighbors Database Project team and our partners from UC Davis and EpiEcos recently represented WildAlert at the Global Wildlife Data Sharing Workshop held at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington.

WildAlert is Now Active in Florida!
While attending Florida Wildlife Rehabilitation Association “FWRA” conferences over the last 12 years, our team has had the honor of visiting several Florida rehabilitation organizations. Because of this history with so many Florida rehabilitation organizations, it was the perfect state for our first expansion of our WildAlert project.

WildAlert is Coming to Florida
WildAlert will be implemented in support of activities currently conducted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI). The Florida WildAlert platform, which is an event-based wildlife disease surveillance tool, is being developed through a partnership between the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Wild Neighbors Database Project, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California - Davis, and EpiEcos and will be launched in early 2025.

WildAlert Tracking a Botulism Health Event
WildAlert California is actively tracking a botulism health event that is taking place at Lake Tulare in California. The WildAlert system highlighted this event early on, allowing state, federal, and non-governmental partners to collaborate and take immediate action to save more wild lives.